신호위반 과태료 벌금 Fine for violation of traffic signal

Fine for violation of traffic signal

• Fines for violation of traffic lights
• Comparison of fines & fines
• Signal violation meaning
• Signal violation fines
• Signal violation fines
• How to pay traffic signal violation fines
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Signal violation fine
Comparison of fines & fines

Signal violation fine
When driving a car, you often run into red light violations.

There are many cases of violation while trying to go quickly, but this should never be done. 신호위반 과태료 벌금

신호위반 과태료 벌금

So what kind of fine will you be charged for violating a traffic signal? LOTUSSERENITY

I would like to explain each traffic violation fine and fine.

Signal violation meaning

A traffic violation refers to the act of violating a traffic signal and passing by while the traffic light is red or yellow.

There are two types of fines for traffic violations: fines and fines.

Now, let me tell you about the meaning and fines of the two.


Signal violation fine
A fine is a fine if it is captured by an unmanned enforcement camera. Fines do not give you any demerit points, but you have to pay a little more money than the fine.


General road fines

protected area


70,000 won

130,000 won


80,000 won

140,000 won

two-wheeled vehicle

50,000 won

90,000 won

If you are caught by an unmanned speed camera, you will be subject to a fine, and most people fall into this case. The fine is 70,000 won for passenger cars, 80,000 won for vans, and 50,000 won for two-wheeled vehicles. In protected areas (child protection areas, etc.), the fine is almost twice that, so be careful.


Signal violation fine
A fine is a type of fine imposed directly by a police officer and is accompanied by demerit points. If you do not pay the fine, you may end up with a criminal record, so you must pay it within the due date.


General road fines

protected area


60,000 won

120,000 won


70,000 won

130,000 won

two-wheeled vehicle

40,000 won

80,000 won


30,000 won

60,000 won


15 points

30 points

If you are ticketed by the traffic police on the spot, you will be subject to a fine of 60,000 won for a car, 70,000 won for a van, 40,000 won for a two-wheeled vehicle, and 30,000 won for a bicycle. In this case, both penalty points and fines will be doubled.

In the case of penalty points, 15 points are imposed on general roads and 30 points in protected areas, and licenses are suspended from 40 points or more. The suspension period is based on the principle of 1 point per day. If 50 points are imposed, you will not be able to drive for a total of 50 days.

How to pay traffic violation fines

If you are subject to fines and fines for violating traffic signals, utility bills will be incurred. You can pay the traffic signal violation fine through the payment virtual account listed at the bottom of the bill.

You can also pay through the fine window on the official 24-hour traffic complaint website of the National Police Agency. You must log in with a public certificate and choose whether to pay a fine or a fine.



Today, we learned about fines and fines among traffic violation fines. To drive safely, please be sure to obey traffic signals.