스마트스토어 판매자센터 Smart Store Seller Center

Naver Smart Store Seller Center Homepage
If you are running an online shopping mall, what you must know is the Naver Smart Store. In the past, many people started by opening a separate website. Many people gave up because it was costly and difficult to manage. But Naver Smart Store is different.

smart store

Naver operates a service category called shopping. In other words, it is to operate to buy or sell things. In the past, there were only Gmarket, 11st, etc., but now countless people are buying products from Naver. 스마트스토어 판매자센터

스마트스토어 판매자센터



What is Naver Smart Store? Even if you don’t study how to create a homepage as part of it, a shopping page that you can easily create with just a little clicking and typing is the Smart Store. 좋은뉴스

shopping smart store
Of course, in order to sell products online, there are many basic things you need to prepare. There are places to get things from, business registration, and things to find where to sell them.

Smart Store Merchant Center
Naver Smart Store Seller Center website: https://sell.smartstore.naver.com/

Smart Store Center

Create your own store in a smart store that anyone can easily and conveniently make.

Basically, in order to use it, you must use your Naver ID to register as a member and use it. This part is well informed on the official site, so please refer to it.

Naver Smart Store Merchant Center Registration Documents
Business: 1 copy of business registration certificate / certificate of representative’s seal (or representative’s signature confirmation) / copy of bankbook in the name of the representative or business (online bankbook can be covered)

Individual: No separate documents.