전입세대 열람내역서 발급 Issuance of transfer household reading statement

You may have heard the name of this document when you get a loan using your home as collateral, when you buy or sell a home, or when you make a global contract. In simple terms, the move-in household reading statement is a document that inquires how many households live at the address. So let’s look at why you need it and how to get it issued.

■ Table of Contents
What is the transfer household reading statement?
Why should I check?
How to issue?
Who can issue it?
How to apply
1. What is the moving-in household reading statement? 전입세대 열람내역서 발급
In the case of a multi-family house, you can find out the names of the householder and cohabitants who are currently registered as residents in the house, the date of move-in, and the total number of households through the moving-in household reading statement. In other words, it is a document that can confirm the current condition of the house. 좋은뉴스

전입세대 열람내역서 발급


2. Why should I check?
A building in which several houses are located in one building, such as an apartment building, and each unit is registered, is called an apartment building or a multi-household house. However, multi-family housing is a building in which several households live in one building, but only one owner is registered. It is correct to think of a multi-family house (villa) where there is usually only one building owner as a multi-family house.

It is safe to check the seniority to see if there is a household that has moved in before me. If the house goes to auction, the winning bid amount will be divided. Dividends are given to those in seniority, so it would be advantageous if my ranking was high. Similarly, if there is a senior lessee in front of them, the bank can receive less dividends, so they receive this document and check whether there is a senior lessee.

3. How is it issued?​
The following is the method for issuing the transfer household reading statement. Unfortunately, this document cannot be issued on the Internet or through an automated issuing machine. Issuance is possible by visiting Eup, Myeon, or Dong offices nationwide. In the past, it was only available at the local community service center in the building, but now it can be issued anywhere in the country.



4. Who can issue?
Next, let’s find out who can apply for issuance.

​ ① The owner of the building can issue it only by bringing his or her ID. This is because the official in charge can check the registration through the computer.
​ ②In the case of a tenant, an identification card and a rental contract are required, and a purchase and sale contract requires an identification card and a sales contract.
③Auction participants need ID and auction notice.

※If it is difficult to visit in person, a person authorized by the building owner or lessor is also available.

5. How to apply?

Resident Registration – Moved-in Household – Reading Statement – Application Form
Resident Registration – Moved-in Household – Reading Statement – Application Form
Now let’s see how to fill out the application form. First, fill in the personal information in the Applicant column. In the location of objects to be viewed below, you can write the address of the place you want to check how many households have moved in. In the Use column, you can write the submission destination according to the purpose, such as for bank loan or for setting up a mortgage. Earlier, the owner said that the registration was confirmed electronically. You must agree to this part here so that the public official in charge can verify your registration electronically.

Finally, on the back of the application form, there is a consent form for displaying the personal information of the person subject to the transfer household. If you do not agree, only the last name will be displayed. Please note that the name part is marked with an asterisk.